5 Types – 5 Personality Behaviour Blueprints 2 Views to See it Time Lords
It’s Not What you Think, It’s How You Think See Plus/Minus in Another Light
I have often been asked is a minus, bad, or a plus, good. Is 1+/3- bad or worse than 3+/1- and so on. And the truth is that there is no bad and no good, no better and no worse. One is the opposite of the other. One transmits (+) and one receives (-). And as the old song says: “you can’t have one without the other”. Each is equally powerful in its own way. It’s a thing called duality. Everything has an opposite in or of itself. However, people also ask me to define the different types by personality behaviour. This is difficult because the plus/Minus system is there before personality emerges. It is the fixed blueprint of your existence. Unchangeable, it can be hidden but it can’t be prevented from underpinning your behaviour. That said, there are some traits that can be applied or observed as inherent or emerging from the code. And here they are as described by the five elements of chinese astrology…
4+/0- Types
Dynamic, energetic, passionate, enterprising, adventurous, restless, competitive, leadership skills, strong, single-mindedness, loves a good laugh.
3+/1- Types
Generous, warm, persuasive, co-operative, seeks to expand and grow, idealistic, ethical, enthusiastic, seeks to explore.
2+/2- Types
Diplomatic, charming, intuitive, compassionate, sensitive, creative, flexible, compliant, good communicator, intellectual.
1+/3- Types
Determined, self-reliant, unyielding, strong, persistent, forceful, reserved, needs personal space, sophisticated, seeks pleasure.
0+/4- Types
Patient, prudent, stable, reliable, hard-working, ambitious, disciplined, logical, governed by service and duty to others.
Strange, then, how the 5 types above seem perfectly aligned with Fire (South), Wood (East), Water (North), Metal (West), and Earth (Centre).
5 Types – 5 Personality Behaviour Blueprints 2 Views to See it Time Lords It’s Not What you Think, It’s How You Think See Plus/Minus in Another Light