All About Starcodes Collections Over a Barrel Who Make the Best… Downloads
(+ + + +) (— — — —) (+ — + —) (— + — —) (+ — + +)
Key Factors
(+ + + +) types are dynamic, energetic, passionate, enterprising, adventurous, restless
(+ – + +) types are generous, warm, persuasive,co-operative, idealistic, ethical, enthusiastic
(+ – + -) types are patient, prudent, stable, reliable, hard-working, ambitious
(- + – -) types are disciplined, logical, governed by service to others, duty-bound
(- – – -) types are determined, self-reliant, targeted, strong, persistent, forceful
As Employees
For Sales personnel choose starcode (+ — + +) first and foremost. Not only will they be excellent at the job, they will also work well together. Ideally, put a starcode (+ — + —) in charge of them and he/she will bring fair balance to the authority which will enhance their natural ability.
For Chief Executive choose starcode (+ + + +) They are driven to go only one way – forwards. They make excellent directors too but as department managers, although they have what it takes, depending on their level, you can expect they will often ruffle feathers with subordinates and they will not take instructions too well from their bosses as they will be more given to maverick behaviour than others.
For Support personnel choose starcode (— + — —) as they are brilliant in absorbing and containing dissatisfied customers, providing the Sales teams with the all-important second wave support and maintaining full back-office management.
For key personnel choose starcode (— — — —) Even up to the chief executive position they make formidable employees as they are thorough, responsible and reliable given, as they are, to pedentry. They make great managers but cut a very lonely figure as chief executives and would be better placed as their right hand man/woman.
For all positions choose starcode (+ — + —) as they are ‘balanced’ and can successfully undertake any situation with a degree of grace. However, whilst they appear convivial, benign and agreeable with all they meet and do, they are natural machiavellians. That said, they are the least likely to ever cause any disputation. They make the glue in any organisation as they get on with all the other types with equanimity and take pressure better than most.
Starcode (+ — + +) are no shrinking violets and will always enjoy the limelight when it comes to the media but oddly it’s their nature to appear resigned and almost doubtful looking when in a one-to-one exchange in public view. They have a sincerity and honesty though that shines forth. However, they don’t make good leaders as they given to be more about show than substance usually relying on advisors.
Starcode (+ + + +) These are your 100% leaders. They drive through policies even when they are not worthy of it. They are therefore apt to make terrible mistakes. Problem with them is that with those mistakes everyone else suffers whilst they simply move on to the next conquest. As general, on-the-benches, types they are an individualistic force but lack of position makes them withdrawn more into thinking other worlds.
Starcode (— + — —) are the solid sort who serve their constituents well. They act responsibly and with authority and can be relied on never to yield if pushed. Indeed, that may be their Achilles heel because they are not easily swayed to other people’s points of view. They make formidable leaders but it’s always a mystery how they achieve that role when they actually do. Frankly, they make the best kind of politician if they can only let go of their dominating nature.
Starcode (— — — —) make the best backroom support act you could ever possibly hope for. They are loyal, reliable, dedicated and fair. These principled rare types can manage departments with superior authority and get the jobs that need to done, done! and with aplomb. However, they should never be made leaders because they become too embroiled in the minutae of leadership and its dangerous liaisons which unbalances them.
Starcode (+ — + —) are the best and most common group to be ‘chosen’ by others to be their leaders. It is because they offer a semblance of balance in all things yet promote a way forward with clarity and decision. These features of their behaviour make them popular on both fronts of loyalty to their own supporters and as representative of ‘fair-hope’ to their opponents. Because of their values they ‘share’ responsibility for management but offer control once reached. As colleagues they are also the same and don’t make a big play for running things, as if they are not bothered, which makes them attractive to others. Yet, this type can bring about a night of the long knives long before anyone else. Most of the world’s greatest despots are this sort.
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