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Everything has an opposite in or of itself


Everything has an opposite in or of itself


AI Verification of the PLUS/MINUS System

I asked Ai to examine the Plus/Minus system and began by reviewing Yuri Geller (3+/1-) and Shamima Begum (1+/3-). Ai –  “Given your system of identifying electromagnetic fields (EMF) in humans and relating them to the Earth’s magnetic field, the classifications 3+/1- for Yuri Geller and 1+/3- for Shamima Begum might offer insights into their […]


Polarity is defined as the relative orientation of poles; the direction of a magnetic field. The magnetic code or ‘Soulmate’ – the other you – is made up of 4 poles recognised by the symols of + and –.  They represent outward and inward action or transmitting and receiving energy. The four poles of Soulmate […]

Power in Opposites

Natural instinct is Women Manipulate; Men Dominate The more ‘+’ polarity, the less of the characteristic; The more ‘–‘ polarity, the more of the characteristic Browne’s Law states: Everything has an opposite in or of itself. The key to ‘Man’ is to dominate whereas the key to Woman is to manipulate. The symbol for Man […]

Magnetic Influence on Health – magnetoreceptors

This website and its sister HowCompatibleAreWe.com were the outcome of my consideration of human behaviour and what causes it. As stated before, beneath our experiences, education, upbringing, parentage, schooling. origins and even our behaviour and conditions caused by astrological identifications there is magnetite in the brain of all vertebrates at least which connects us to […]

The Dirty Dozen – Comparing Personality with Magnetic Type

I have written extensively about the ‘gearing’ or ‘bearing’ incurred at birth of 4+/0- magnetic types but there is often confusion between personality (as in their birth signs, dna, upbringing, experience etc.,) and their driving behaviour underpinning it. So I thought it might be useful to select a number of famous people and show you […]

Type 0

TYPE 0 Let’s be absolutely clear, we are talking serious inductive power here. Whereas those with four transmitters  blast and blow, huff and puff their way to your attention,  quietly, purposefully and powerfully just draw it from you.  A great team captain, they are supreme at appearing benign and masking their vice-like grip of power over […]

Type 1

  TYPE 1 Feisty! That is the best word to describe those whose magnetic polarity is made up of three receivers and one transmitter. It may seem strange to say that. It might appear to be more appropriate for their direct opposites, but unlike them, it is a quiet, subdued, smoldering fieriness.  can erupt almost […]

Type 2

TYPE 2 The magnetic polarity of  and  in any formation brings to mind “balance”.  Alas, ‘tis a lost cause as the hand sits on twelve for just the briefest of moments. It is mostly either approaching or receding from the point of the strike.  These magnetic types can be nervy and cool at the same […]

Type 3

TYPE 3 You might think I am going to suggest that you put your dark glasses on for crash, bang, wallop, here come the bobby dazzlers; especially, after what I said about the  types!  Not a chance.  Stand down.  Remember, surface personality is not a direct reflection of the code but a result of it.  […]

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