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Everything has an opposite in or of itself


Everything has an opposite in or of itself

Astrology Articles

Astromagnetica is a system that is independent of astrology but has used astrology dates as its base material  to ascertain & identify the magnetic code in each person. Paradoxically, it has shown by evidence that that is is underpinning astrology exposing as it does the veracity of the signs through their plus/minus origination.  If the plus/minus system can be shown to be wrong then by correlation so too is astrological birthsigns.  For those who know or care little for astrology, here is some reading material to help you on your way but please not the AstroMagnetica beyond using the signs as reference has little or no bearing on or from the personality affects identified in each sign beyond the plus/minus purpose of behaviour.


About Astrology Astrology Reading How Astrology Works for You
Astrological Predictions Astrology Reading 2 Indian Vedic Astrology
Astrological Charts Astronomy or Astrology Astrology Natal Report
Astrology, Medicine & Astronomy Basic Understanding of Astrology Horoscopes Origins of Zodiac Astrology
Astrology & Mankind Chinese Astrology Explained Astrology & Psychic
Astrology & Marriage Compatibility of Synergy Astrology Astrology, Science or Not – Believe it?
Astrology & the Western World Elements in Astrology Sidereal Astrology
Astrology is extensive so blunders are bound to happen Finding a Free Astrology Reading Online Tropical Astrology
Astrology is Mystical Hindu Astrological Predictions
Astrology is what I like to believe in History of Astrology


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