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Everything has an opposite in or of itself


Everything has an opposite in or of itself

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Overall, Cancer males are 36/48 laconic (-),  females are 24/48 laconic (-). Cancer Personalities


Overall, Taurus males are 24/48 laconic (-),  females are 36/48 laconic (-). Taurus Personalities


Overall, Gemini males are 36/48 dynamic (+),  females are 24/48 dynamic (+). Gemini Personalities  


Overall, Aries males are 24/48 dynamic (+),  females are 36/48 dynamic (+). A few Aries Personalities


Imagine the benefit to you and your company if you could be certain of the magnetic root personality of the individuals you employ or intend to employ, not the personality you see conveyed but the real one behind their actions. Such an insight would enable great profit for your company and the people themselves because […]

Tropical Astrology

Tropical Astrology is the old astrological division of the sky. When the Zodiac was invented, the position of the constellations were written down. But since then, the whole Zodiac has shifted almost a whole sign due to the Precession, so whoever was once born a Virgo, is now probably born a Leo – with the […]

Chinese Horoscopes

Groups of signs in oriental astrology known as Chinese Horoscopes share certain characteristics that are classified according to four earthly trines.  It helps explain why some signs are more compatible than others. This can also be applied to Western Sun Signs. The First Trine consists of the Rat, Dragon and Monkey. These three signs are said to […]

Sidereal Astrology

The Sidereal or Eastern system of astrology is based on the position of the belt of fixed stars and constellations in the heavens, whereas the Tropical zodiac or the Western astrological system is based upon the position of the Sun in relation to the Earth.  Sidereal astrology is the system of astrology used by some […]

Astrology – Science or Not – Believe it?

If you checked out the statistics, mobile Operators in India seem to be raking in their moolah from Value Added Services and guess which VAS ( Value Added Service) people are subscribing to on an increasing basis at a pace that is nothing less than Scorching? It is Astrology, mostly pertaining to daily, monthly and […]

Astrology & Psychic

Psychic is a term used in the field of parapsychology which refer to the ability to perceive the things that is hidden to ordinary senses through means of extra-sensory perception, or though the use of other techniques such as cold reading,prestidigitation and a lot more. While the term astrology is define as the study of […]

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