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Of those listed
8 are 1+/3- 7 are 2+/2- 9 are 3+/1- 4 are 4+ 2 are 4-
Interesting points
a) In modern times, neither of the 4- types (Douglas Home and Brown) were ‘elected’ PM. Both took over when the sitting prime minister resigned and neither was elected thereafter.
b) It’s striking to note that after Douglas Home & before Tony Blair, all but 1 (and the least remembered, Callaghan) of four successive prime ministers were 1+/3- type, and none were since.
Commons PM Name Birthdate Polarity Month Year
30 Starmer 02/09/1962 3+/1- Virgo Tiger
29 Sunak 12/05/1980 2+/2- Taurus Monkey
28 Truss 26/07/1975 3+/1- Leo Cat
27 Johnson 19/06/1964 3+/1- Gemini Dragon
26 May 01/10/1956 3+/1- Libra Monkey
25 Cameron 09/10/1966 4+/0- Libra Horse
24 Brown 20/02/1951 0+/4- Pisces Cat
23 Blair 06/05/1953 2+/2- Taurus Snake
22 Major 29/03/1943 1+/3- Aries Goat
21 Thatcher 13/10/1925 1+/3- Libra Buffalo
Callaghan 27/03/1912 2+/2- Aries Rat
Heath 09/07/1916 1+/3- Cancer Dragon
18 Wilson 11/03/1916 1+/3- Pisces Dragon
17 Douglas Home 02/07/1903 0+/4- Cancer Cat
16 MacMillan 10/02/1894 4+/0- Aquarius Horse
15 Eden 12/06/1897 3+/1- Gemini Rooster
14 Atlee 03/01/1883 3+/1- Capricorn Horse
13 Churchill 30/11/1874 3+/1- Sagittarius Dog
12 Chamberlain 18/03/1869 1+/3- Pisces Snake
11 MacDonald 12/10/1866 4+/0- Libra Tiger
10 Baldwin 03/08/1867 1+/3- Leo Cat
Bonar Law 16/09/1858 3+/1- Virgo Horse
8 Lloyd George 17/01/1863 3+/1- Capricorn Dog
7 Asquith 12/09/1852 2+/2- Virgo Rat
Bannerman 07/03/1836 1+/3- Pisces Monkey
5 Balfour 25/3/1848 2+/2- Aries Monkey
4 Gascoyne-Cecil 02/02/1830 4+/0- Aquarius Tiger
3 Primrose 07/05/1847 1+/3- Taurus Goat
Gladstone 29/12/1809 2+/2- Capricorn Snake
1 Disraeli 21/12/1804 2+/2- Sagittarius Rat
Of the 30 listed
8 are 1+/3- 7 are 2+/2- 9 are 3+/1- 4 are 4+ 2 are 4-
Interesting points
a) In modern times, neither of the 4- types (Douglas Home and Brown) were ‘elected’ PM. Both took over when the sitting prime minister resigned and neither was elected thereafter.
b) It’s striking to note that after Douglas Home & before Tony Blair, all but 1 (and the least remembered, Callaghan) of four successive prime ministers were 1+/3- type, and none were since.