There have been 45 different people acting as president, of which x
6 were 0+/4-
8 were 1+/3-
15 were 2+/2-
12 were 3+/1-
4 were 4+/0-
Of the 21 presidents elected since 1900, not one has been type 0+/4-
and the last president who was 1+/3- was a shoe in Gerald Ford
*Grover Cleveland & Donald Trump were elected on two separate occasions so counted here only once
No. Name Birthdate Polarity Month Year
47 Donald Trump 14/06/1946 4+/0- Gemini Dog
46 Joe Biden 20/11/1942 2+/2- Scorpio Horse
45 Donald Trump 14/06/1946 4+/0- Gemini Dog
44 Barack Obama 04/08/1961 2+/2- Leo Buffalo
43 George W. Bush 06/07/1946 2+/2- Cancer Dog
42 William Clinton 19/08/1946 3+/1- Leo Dog
41 George H. Bush 12/06/1924 3+/1- Gemini Rat
40 Ronald Reagan 06/02/1911 2+/2- Aquarius Pig
39 James Carter 01/10/1924 3+/1- Libra Rat
38 Gerald Ford 14/07/1913 1+/3- Cancer Buffalo
37 Richard M. Nixon 09/01/1913 2+/2- Capricorn Rat
36 Lyndon B. Johnson 27/08/1908 2+/2- Virgo Monkey
35 John F. Kennedy 29/05/1917 3+/1- Gemini Snake
34 Dwight Eisenhower 14/10/1890 4+/0- Libra Tiger
33 Harry S. Truman 08/05/1884 2+/2- Taurus Monkey
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt 30/01/1882 3+/1- Aquarius Snake
31 Herbert Hoover 10/08/1874 3+/1- Leo Dog
30 Calvin Coolidge 04/07/1872 1+/3- Cancer Monkey
29 Warren Harding 02/11/1865 1+/3- Scorpio Buffalo
28 Woodrow Wilson 28/12/1856 2+/2- Capricorn Dragon
27 William Howard Taft 15/09/1857 2+/2- Virgo Snake
26 Theodore Roosevelt 27/10/1858 2+/2- Scorpio Horse
25 William McKinley 29/01/1843 4+/0- Aquarius Tiger
24 Grover Cleveland* 18/03/1837 1+/3- Pisces Rooster
23 Benjamin Harrison 20/08/1833 2+/2- Leo Snake
22 Grover Cleveland* 18/03/1837 1+/3- Pisces Rooster
21 Chester Arthur 05/10/1829 3+/1- Libra Buffalo
20 James Garfield 19/11/1831 0+/4- Scorpio Cat
19 Rutherford Hayes 04/10/1822 4+/0- Libra Horse
18 Ulysses S Grant 27/04/1822 3+/1- Taurus Horse
17 Andrew Johnson 29/12/1808 2+/2- Capricorn Dragon
16 Abraham Lincoln 12/02/1809 3+/1- Aquarius Dragon
15 James Buchanan 23/04/1793 1+/3- Taurus Buffalo
14 Franklin Pierce 23/11/1804 2+/2- Sagittarius Rat
13 Millard Filmore 07/01/1800 2+/2- Capricorn Monkey
12 Zachary Taylor 24/11/1784 2+/2- Sagittarius Dragon
11 James Knox Polk 02/11/1795 0+/4- Scorpio Cat
10 John Tyler 29/03/1790 3+/1- Aries Dog
9 William Harrison 09/02/1773 3+/1- Aquarius Snake
8 Martin Van Buren 05/12/1782 3+/1- Sagittarius Tiger
7 Andrew Jackson 15/03/1767 0+/4- Pisces Pig
6 John Quincy Adams 11/07/1767 0+/4- Cancer PIg
5 James Monroe 28/04/1758 3+/1- Taurus Tiger
4 James Madison 16/03/1751 0+/4- Pisces Goat
3 Thomas Jefferson 13/04/1743 1+/3- Aries Pig
2 John Adams 30/10/1735 0+/4- Scorpio Cat
1 George Washington 22/02/1732 1+/3- Pisces Rat