Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Click on any of the above to see all the possibilities of plus/minus make-ups for that sign. This is also an opportunity to reference key factors for different signs that submerge the more important fundamental magnetic characteristics of people.
For instance,
Fire signs Aries, Leo & Sagittarius key personality trait is to be ‘life enthusiastic’.
Air signs Gemini, Libra & Aquarius key personality trait is to be ‘social’.
Water signs Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces key personality trait is to be ‘enigmatic’ even when they can’t help to emotionally flow with their surroundings.
Earth signs Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn key personality trait is to be ‘solid and dependable’ also ‘serious and personable’.
underneath these features, which can be easily recognised by us all, the magnetic field of an individual completely trumps them and because it is ‘hidden’ it can only be made to reveal itself really under a stress situation.
An example would be an Air sign that is a man who is [4+/0-] as opposed to a woman who is, say, [1+/3-]. These two creatures are very different but they share commonality with say an a Fire sign woman who is [4+/0-] or a man who is [1+/3-]. In other words, some (not all) Air sign men and some (not all) Fire sign woman have the same magnetic flow [4+/0-] and therefore the same behaviour patterns irrespective of the personality trait as shown above. The same goes for some (not all) Air sign women and some (not all) Fire sign men have the same magnetic flow [1+/3-] and therefore the same behaviour patterns irrespective of the personality trait as shown above.
If you have the time I warmly invite you to view this Youtube video of a lecture on human behaviour by esteemed Stanford University Prof. Robert Sapolsky