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Everything has an opposite in or of itself


Everything has an opposite in or of itself


Type 4

TYPE 4 As they can’t be controlled, they always tend to be in danger of going over the top in their behaviour. Above all, they love to impress.  Certainly, we all like to be liked and they, of course, do, too, but it can at times feel like an inconvenient feature of the human condition […]

Murder of the Innocents

19 sweet, innocent, little children at school in Ulvede, Texas, together with 2 teachers, were slaughtered en masse by a vile 18 year old demented monster. Not for the first time did this happen. Sandy Hook, a decade ago, suffered a similar fate at the hands of another demented monster, named Adam Lanza who, amongst […]

(Trump v Biden) v Putin

Donald Trump is 4+/0- type.  Vladamir Putin is 3+/1- type.  Biden is 2+/2- type.  Trump has no inlet valve; Putin loves being on the stage; and, Biden is a baby filled with desperation to find balance, which he can’t.  Now see…. This view from America…. THERE’S NO DEBATE THAT PUTIN IS THE AGGRESSOR PROACTIVELY STARTING […]

In Pursuing Existence?

Why are we here? How did we come to be? Why don’t we value existence? As with nearly everything, we are composed of 5 simple factors and in this order DNA Magnetic code Character by Western Astrology Character by Eastern Astrology External influences DNA is the first identification of what we are. It is the […]

The Power of 2+/2- in the hands of Taurus

I describe 2+/2- as Machiavellian, that is to say they are truth seekers always looking for the nuance and the balance and in order to get it they have to be ‘crafty’ from time to time. Ultimately, truth is everything, so the attitude is ‘whatever it takes’. That said, Taurus 2+/2- types are a breed […]

Gates & Jobs 4 Minuses (Receivers on speed)

Watch this! Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in an interview. Here you will see before your very eyes two people who are 4 minus types (i.e. 0+/4-; 4 Receivers) and, on the Scales of Magnetic Relations, ZERO in their relationship with one another. Oh! yes, they are very polite and, seemingly, friends but it’s like […]

Astrology, Character & Proof

In 45 B.C. Julius Caesar ordered a calendar to be based on a solar year. So named after him, the Julian calendar started on 1 January and consisted of 365 days for three years and 366 days for one year just as it is today. The Roman Empire fell in the 5th century and due […]

Chain of Command & the Plus/Minus System

HowCompatibleAreWe.com and Astromagnetica.click have developed the idea that there are only 5 types of people based on their electro-magnetic polarity as a result of their date of birth and its link to the Earth’s magnetic field. The way people interact as result of their polarity is like magnets. In other words, the pluses and minuses  […]

Proof again if it were ever needed

From the start, I have sought to disprove my hypothesis. I haven’t been able to do so, so far. Time and again even my own doubts have been challenged and reaffirmed. Recently we saw the despatch of the worst prime minister in British History (even, in my opinion, including Neville Chamberlain, and that’s saying something). […]

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