In Pursuing Existence?
Why are we here? How did we come to be? Why don’t we value existence?
As with nearly everything, we are composed of 5 simple factors and in this order
- Magnetic code
- Character by Western Astrology
- Character by Eastern Astrology
- External influences
DNA is the first identification of what we are. It is the fabric of our existence denoting our gender and inherited bioframe from our parents, half from mother and half from father. It is unique to each and every one of us and is the robotic foundation of our existence.
Magnetic Code, as explained within this site, is the next layer of make-up determining who we are. It is accorded to us at the time of our birth when the waters in the womb break and the Pineal Gland is opened enabling our link to the earth’s magnetic field. As our brains are electrical fields of energy, this connection to the earth’s magnetic field is essential as it determines our leanings and underpins our fundamental behaviour patterns. We are polarised with one of 5 different polarity types. They dictate our interactions with others.
Western Astrology, which covers the months of the year, confirms in us characteristics that have long been observed in human behaviour consistent with whatever of the twelve birth signs we are born under. This covers over both our DNA and our Magnetic Code. Every sign has recognisable traits. And every sign governs a pattern of how we portray ourselves to the world at large.
Eastern Astrology, which covers the animal year we are born, confirms in us characteristics that have long been observed in human behaviour consistent with whatever of the twelve animal birth years we are born under. This covers over both our DNA and our Magnetic Code. Every animal sign has recognisable traits. And every sign governs a pattern of how we portray ourselves to the world at large.
External Influences are the final layer upon which we outwardly present our address to the world. They come from our upbringing, parents attitudes, family, friends, career, experiences, education, birthplace etc., all of which go to form our outer presentation and false belief in who we are. This is the only one factor we can change. All the others are fixed.
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