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  • Magnetic Behaviour of the 5 Types


    Described by Wikipedia thus: Melatonin, also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxy tryptamine, is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in animals and regulates sleep and wakefulness. Melatonin is also produced in plants where it functions as a first line of defense against oxidative stress. It is essential we produce it constantly for it quickly disappears from our bodies. We only produce melatonin when we sleep. It has to be concluded that it is likely, given that the pineal gland performs this function, that the magnetite is the ‘clock element’ that instructs the pineal gland when ‘night’ is because we do not produce melatonin in daylight. If you were to fall asleep in the…

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    Magnetism in Humans All About Starcodes     Collections    Over a Barrel  Who Make the Best…     Downloads      Yes, discovery! Recently it has been found that there is magnetite in the human brain. Magnetite – as its name infers – is a magnetic crystal that sits astride the pineal gland in the brain. But what is it doing there and how on earth did a crystal come into the human form?  Well, the fact is that it has subsequently been found that magnetite is in virtually all living organisms! Not only does it help with our navigation thereby proving we are tethered to the earth’s magnetic field, it is vital to…

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    Do you use online Dating Applications or websites?  How often have you been bitterly disappointed by your date being completely wrong for you? Personality is one thing but we all present our best when we meet someone new. So, what if you knew what is behind the mask?  Wouldn’t that give you a complete advantage even BEFORE you decide to date? We are all driven by a magnetic code because we have magnetite in our brain which ties us to the Earth’s magnetic field (EMF).  Just as you understand how battery terminals work i.e. needs  and  needs rather like transmitters and receivers, the magnetic code is the same, except there are 4…

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    The Power of Five

    “When the waters in the womb break and shortly thereafter a child is born, he or she is instantly tethered to the earth’s magnetic field through magnetite in the brain. This ‘Starcode’ is fixed forever and is one of only 5 types of electro-magnetic energy fields. They consist of 4 poles of ‘+’ and ‘-‘ activity and they range from 0+/4- to 1+/3- to 2+/2- to 3+/1- to 4+/0-.” After due consideration about duality and the division of male and female it was conclusive that everything in existence had an opposite in or of itself.  So, astrology, and birth signs, in particular, irritated me in that there was a clear…

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