Polarity is defined as the relative orientation of poles; the direction of a magnetic field. The magnetic code or ‘Soulmate’ – the other you – is made up of 4 poles recognised by the symols of + and –. They represent outward and inward action or transmitting and receiving energy. The four poles of Soulmate are the result of birth of an individual at a given time based on the twelve signs of the zodiac for the East and the twelve Chinese years for the west. There are only 5 codes. Which one are you?
There is 4+/0- whose opposite is 0+/4-
There is 3+/1- whose opposite is 1+/3-
There is 2+/2- who has its own opposite 2-/2+
4+ have only transmitters. They have no capacity to receive but to feed off the result. This means they are always outward expressing. You have only a 6.25% chance of being one.
4- have only receivers. They have no capacity to transmit but to feed off the result. This means they are always drawing from the energy of others. You have only a 6.25% chance of being one.
3+/1- have one receiver. They have great capacity to transit better than anyone and use their one receiver to constantly reignite their capacity to transmit. You have only a 25% chance of being one.
1+/3- have one transmitter. They have great capacity to receive better than anyone and use their one transmitter to constantly reignite their capacity to receive. You have only a 25% chance of being one.
2+/2- have equal polarity. They are balanced and always seek to find it in their relationships. You have a 37.5% chance of being one.
If the room you were in consisted of only 4+ types, it would be disastrous, a terrible environment to be in and nothing would be achieved.
If the room you were in consisted of only 4 – types, it would be as undynamic and unproductive as it could possibly get and there would be no energy generated.
If the room you were in consisted of only 3+ types, it would be like an assault on the senses, the gregariousness would be overwhelming and it would be vibrant.
If the room you were in consisted of only 1+ types, it would be serious, ordered and demanding. Everything would be agreed if it could be brought to that point.
If the room you were in consisted of only 2+ types, it would be convivial, co-operative, balanced. Fair and achieving in the most honest and agreeable way.
To get things done, you would need
a 4+ to get things done
a 4 – to manage everything
a 3+ to sell it
a 1+ to support and give body to it
a 2+ to create and moderate it
The more or less of any of the 5 types in a situation together will affect the overall balance of the group. So, the bigger the company or project, the more vital it is to have the right balance. Education is irrelevant or at best secondary to the situation.