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      *William Melville from Sneem, County Kerry was the first head of Mi6 and Mi5 when it was known by the title SIS. Because he was the founder of the British Secret Service, the original ‘M’ of both, he is not accorded with number 1 on the list of Mi6, this being attributed to Cummings.

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    BIOS in Humans; Magnetite Decoded

    BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System. When a computer is turned on, the first and primary thing it does is to check the BIOS for, without it, nothing further can occur. Once it is recognised and operational, the computer can go forward and await the awakening of the OS – Operational System (Dos, Windows, IOS, Ubuntu, Linux etc.,). After that programs can be installed and implemented. We humans, in a sense, are computers, also – organic computers!  We, too, have a BIOS. It consists of four potential inputs (-) and outputs (+)  located next to the pineal gland in the brain in a crystal (which shouldn’t be there) called magnetite,…

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    Bats use Magnetic Compasses to Navigate, Study says

    This from a National Geographic report dated December 6th, 2006 by Scott Norris Bats Use Magnetic Compasses to Navigate, Study Says Some bats find their way home using an internal “compass” that senses Earth’s magnetic field—similar to those believed to be used by migrating birds—researchers say.  Princeton University biologist Richard Holland in New Jersey and colleagues found that exposure to artificial magnetic fields confused such bats, causing them to fly in the wrong direction. The finding, reported in (following day) an issue of the journal Nature, is the first of its kind in bats and helps fill in a gap in scientists’ understanding of how the animals navigate. (Related photo: Bat Has Longest…

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    Magnetic Beaks Help Birds Navigate

    This from a National Geographic report dated November 24th, 2004 by James Owen Magnetic Beaks Help Birds Navigate, Study Says No wonder homing pigeons seldom get lost: They may get directions from their beaks. This intriguing idea is raised by a new study on the navigational abilities of birds published in tomorrow’s issue of the science journal Nature.  The study raises the possibility that homing pigeons use a magnetic “map” inside their beaks for long-distance journeys. Researchers say their study proves for the first time that homing pigeons can sense Earth’s magnetic field. The findings add to the debate over whether pigeons and other birds chart their flight paths by using…

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    Cattle, Deer Graze Along Earth’s Magnetic Field

    This from a National Geographic report dated August 25th, 2008 by Anne Minard Cattle, Deer Graze Along Earth’s Magnetic Field Cattle and deer all over the world tend to align themselves with Earth’s magnetic field, according to new research. Both types of animals appear to graze in a north-south direction that aligns with magnetic north, not geographic north, according to European researchers who scrutinized thousands of Google Earth images. Birds, turtles, and fish are known to use magnetic guidance in migration. And among small mammals, a handful of rodent and one bat species have been shown to possess a magnetic compass. Sabine Begall, a zoologist at the University of Duisburg in…

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    What is it?  Magnetite is a mineral and one of the main iron ores. With the chemical formula Fe3O4, it is one of the oxides of iron. Magnetite is ferrimagnetic; it is attracted to a magnet and can be magnetized to become a permanent magnet itself. It is the most magnetic of all the naturally-occurring minerals on Earth. Naturally-magnetized pieces of magnetite, called lodestone, will attract small pieces of iron, which is how ancient peoples first discovered the property of magnetism. Today it is mined as iron ore. Small grains of magnetite occur in almost all igneous and metamorphic rocks. Magnetite is black or brownish-black with a metallic luster, has a Mohs hardness of 5–6 and leaves a black streak. The chemical IUPAC name is iron(II,III) oxide and the common chemical name is ferrous-ferric oxide. Found in animals, birds,…

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    Motivational Behaviour of the 5 Types

      (+ + + +)     (— — — —)     (+ — + —)     (— + — —)     (+ — + +) Note: The actual placement of the + or — is not important. For example (+ — — +) is the same as (— — + +) or (+ + — —) and has the same meaning. ♂ Starcode 4+ MALES are  Gemini, Libra & Aquarius in the years of the Tiger, Horse & Dog  (+ + + +) ♀ Starcode 4+ FEMALES are Aries, Leo & Sagittarius in the years of the Rat, Dragon & Monkey (+ + + +) Putting any of these combinations together will cause excessive friction. They…

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    Donald Trump v Barack Obama

      14 Jun 1946 4 Aug 1961 26 Oct 1947 Gemini/Year of the Dog Leo/Year of the Buffalo Scorpio/Year of the Pig 4+/0- 2+/2- 2+/2- Donald Trump Barack Obama Hilary Clinton   It barely needs to be said but from a plus/minus point of view Trump and Obama could hardly be different.  Trump is dogmatic, determined and driven and apt to change his mind to suit his purpose for the end result is what matters to 4+ not the means of getting there whereas Obama is an equivocater, duplicitous and considerate in his manner and choices and careful not to offend and uses intelligence rather than muscle because he’s poorer.…

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    There are only 5 types of human being according to the magnetic code. They consist of 4 electromagnetic poles of + and – activity. They range from 0+/4- to 1+/3- to 2+/2- to 3+/1– to 4+/0-. It is due to the fact that magnetic waves, tethering our brains to the Earth’s magnetic field, dictate certain behavioural attitudes. Beyond such ‘attitudes’, over which we have no control, there exists a plethora of variations such as gender, background, upbringing, dna, education, experience and God-only-knows-what-else. It is like a game-show, the luck of the draw, a lottery. One thing is for certain; each and every one of us is given a raw talent,…

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    2 Ways To See It

    Another way of realising the rationale behind the power of the control and effects of the magnetic code is to see it in all its glory in the ranks of army personnel. There are 5 basic officers ranking from General to Lieutenant in the army.  If we apply the magnetic codes to these ranks, the value of the code can be easily seen. So, within their own ranks… A General  =  4+/0-  Gives instructions to them all and receives instructions from none of them  A Colonel =  3+/1-  Gives instructions to three of them and receives instructions from one of them  A Major  =  2+/2- Gives instructions to two of them and receives instructions from two of…

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