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Everything has an opposite in or of itself


Everything has an opposite in or of itself

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Motivational Behaviour of the 5 Types

  (+ + + +)     (— — — —)     (+ — + —)     (— + — —)     (+ — + +) Note: The actual placement of the + or — is not important. For example (+ — — +) is the same as (— — + +) or (+ + — —) and has the same meaning. […]

Donald Trump v Barack Obama

  14 Jun 1946 4 Aug 1961 26 Oct 1947 Gemini/Year of the Dog Leo/Year of the Buffalo Scorpio/Year of the Pig 4+/0- 2+/2- 2+/2- Donald Trump Barack Obama Hilary Clinton   It barely needs to be said but from a plus/minus point of view Trump and Obama could hardly be different.  Trump is dogmatic, […]

How to use

This is to enable you to cut to the chase without having to wade through the many faceted pages of the site. To clarify: How to use is the logical sequence to helping you 1) understand what ‘Ardo Ci’ is 2) get to the place where you can find out what your ‘Ardo Ci’ is […]


There have been 45 different people acting as presidents, of which 6 were 0+/4- (all before 20th century) 7 were 1+/3- (the last being a shoe-in) 15 were 2+/2- 13 were 3+/1- 4 were 4+/0- 10 were 4+ (only 1 in 20th century and 1 in 21st century) William McKinley was assassinated in Sept. 1901 and was […]


Of those listed 8 are 1+/3-           7 are 2+/2-            9 are 3+/1-            4 are 4+            2 are 4- Interesting points a) In modern times, neither of the 4- types (Douglas Home and Brown) were ‘elected’ PM. […]


Click on image title or name to see breakdown of each band Any shift from equal transmitters (+) or receivers (-) indicates a greater or lesser imbalance in the groups total identity or stage presence.  The more transmitter (+) energy, the less effort needed on stage to produce/attract audience attention. The more receiver (-) energy, the […]


There are only 5 types of human being according to the magnetic code. They consist of 4 electromagnetic poles of + and – activity. They range from 0+/4- to 1+/3- to 2+/2- to 3+/1– to 4+/0-. It is due to the fact that magnetic waves, tethering our brains to the Earth’s magnetic field, dictate certain […]

2 Ways To See It

Another way of realising the rationale behind the power of the control and effects of the magnetic code is to see it in all its glory in the ranks of army personnel. There are 5 basic officers ranking from General to Lieutenant in the army.  If we apply the magnetic codes to these ranks, the […]

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