Polarity is defined as the relative orientation of poles; the direction of a magnetic field. The magnetic code or ‘Soulmate’ – the other you – is made up of 4 poles recognised by the symols of + and –. They represent outward and inward action or transmitting and receiving energy. The four poles of Soulmate are the result of birth of an individual at a given time based on the twelve signs of the zodiac for the East and the twelve Chinese years for the west. There are only 5 codes. Which one are you? There is 4+/0- whose opposite is 0+/4- There is 3+/1- whose opposite is 1+/3- There…
Robots v Humans – The One Big Difference Between us that won’t be overcome
Robots were hardly more than mechanical means of mimicking human functions but with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (Ai) it’s become a whole new ball game. The unleashed and rapid introduction into our lives of Ai has already been transformative. It is now unravelling so fast that most people are completely unaware of its intrusive danger into our lives and what we can expect as a result of it in less than the next 18 months. So many jobs will be lost it’s virtually incalculable not only directly but indirectly. Things you haven’t even thought of yet. The whole point of a business is to make money and the main…
Power in Opposites
Natural instinct is Women Manipulate; Men Dominate The more ‘+’ polarity, the less of the characteristic; The more ‘–‘ polarity, the more of the characteristic Browne’s Law states: Everything has an opposite in or of itself. The key to ‘Man’ is to dominate whereas the key to Woman is to manipulate. The symbol for Man is ‘+‘ and for Woman ‘–‘. Each person has 4 polarities of ‘+‘ and/or ‘–‘. So each Man or Woman can have similar polarities depending on the date of birth. Browne’s Law therefore indicates that for Men, the more ‘+’ polarities the “LESS” domineering they will be. Conversely, the more ‘–‘ polarities, the “MORE” domineering.…
Magnetic Influence on Health – magnetoreceptors
This website and its sister HowCompatibleAreWe.com were the outcome of my consideration of human behaviour and what causes it. As stated before, beneath our experiences, education, upbringing, parentage, schooling. origins and even our behaviour and conditions caused by astrological identifications there is magnetite in the brain of all vertebrates at least which connects us to the earth’s magnetic field. Magnetite is a crystal. What is a crystal doing in our brain? I believe that when we are born and breathe our first breath of earth – air/oxygen – magnetite connects us to the earth’s magnetic field at that moment and magic occurs. There are two body items through which all…
The Dirty Dozen – Comparing Personality with Magnetic Type
I have written extensively about the ‘gearing’ or ‘bearing’ incurred at birth of 4+/0- magnetic types but there is often confusion between personality (as in their birth signs, dna, upbringing, experience etc.,) and their driving behaviour underpinning it. So I thought it might be useful to select a number of famous people and show you the difference between them as individuals and their similarity as a type. Here are they are Craig Venter, Paul McCartney, Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Clint Eastwood, Debbie Reynolds, John McEnroe, Sandra Bullock, Emily Dickinson, David Cameron, Laura Kuenssberg, Priti Patel, Burt Reynolds From a plus/minus perspective these are the headings attributed to…
Type 0
TYPE 0 Let’s be absolutely clear, we are talking serious inductive power here. Whereas those with four transmitters blast and blow, huff and puff their way to your attention, quietly, purposefully and powerfully just draw it from you. A great team captain, they are supreme at appearing benign and masking their vice-like grip of power over everything around them. This means these people can take all you have got and more. They could be incredibly manipulative with their power to absorb but it is so great it actually overwhelms any desire they may have to use it for their own personal ends. What we have here is beguiling innocence, smiling, inviting;…
Type 1
TYPE 1 Feisty! That is the best word to describe those whose magnetic polarity is made up of three receivers and one transmitter. It may seem strange to say that. It might appear to be more appropriate for their direct opposites, but unlike them, it is a quiet, subdued, smoldering fieriness. can erupt almost without warning. They have a great capacity for absorbing energy so, unsurprisingly, they can become very irascible when they want things to go their own way. They demand attention and thrive on being adored. They need the light and will do anything to attract it, not for itself, but so it can highlight them. This…
Type 2
TYPE 2 The magnetic polarity of and in any formation brings to mind “balance”. Alas, ‘tis a lost cause as the hand sits on twelve for just the briefest of moments. It is mostly either approaching or receding from the point of the strike. These magnetic types can be nervy and cool at the same time. There is always a striving towards keeping the hand on 12. It makes them surreptitiously nervous. It makes them self-doubting. And it makes them silently scream inwardly as they allow themselves to be taken advantage of… well, to a point! We are talking about people who are sympathetic energy out-pourers. They thrive on expression…
Type 3
TYPE 3 You might think I am going to suggest that you put your dark glasses on for crash, bang, wallop, here come the bobby dazzlers; especially, after what I said about the types! Not a chance. Stand down. Remember, surface personality is not a direct reflection of the code but a result of it. The code predetermines the core innate self. For example, might give you the impression of what you think a person must be like and vice versa. It’s only an impression – the real them will be revealed to you by familiarity. So, whilst may be the life and soul of any party, they are also…
Type 4
TYPE 4 As they can’t be controlled, they always tend to be in danger of going over the top in their behaviour. Above all, they love to impress. Certainly, we all like to be liked and they, of course, do, too, but it can at times feel like an inconvenient feature of the human condition to them and it is quickly discarded without care if and when they lose control. Despite their dedication to the purpose, they can change their minds more often than the weathermen. Their attention has to be constantly corrected as they cannot hold a steady course for long. But for the time they are dedicated to…