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  • Life Lesson & the 1%

    The population of the UK is 66m. Have you ever thought how many people have in all of history ever risen to a level of memory or knowledge in the public psyche? Have a guess!  I don’t know myself. I doubt you do. Yet those who have risen to such heights whether for something horrible, vile, successful, accomplished, heralded etc., etc., seem to be what everyone aspires to. Yes, even the evil ones amongst us have become acknowledged forever by their actions.  So, let me ask again, how many?  I don’t think there are enough to reach any level of recognition but humour me for a moment. Would you think…

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  • How to Use the Power of a Smile

    Have you ever noticed how the word ‘smile’ assumes the position of a smile on your face right after it has been pronounced? The same is true with a grin or a grouch. Much of the words in the English language or perhaps in other languages of the world assume the facial expressions of the person pronouncing them. Perhaps this is how words came into existence. What kind of difference can a smile make? In spite of its simplicity and spontaneity, a smile can make all the difference. It creates an atmosphere. Admittedly, a frown can likewise create an atmosphere. The question now is this: Which is more preferable?  An…

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  • A Love Spell Could Put Some Magic In Your Love Life

    Have you ever had a secret love and wished that person would notice you and be attracted to you? Have you longed to develop a loving relationship with someone special, but found that your best efforts don’t seem to be good enough? Have you desired a stronger and deeper relationship with your lover or special friend, but come to accept that they just don’t want it as badly as you do. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was something you could do to open your lover’s eyes so they were as eager as you to enter into the deeper love relationship you desire? Many people have found exactly this kind…

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  • The Simple Complexity Of Astrology Signs Define Your Personality Traits

    Astrology is an age old science that is still flourishing, probably at it’s best. Although many people question astrology’s recognition as a science, though a greater chunk of folks consider it a science. Astrology gives incredible insight into one’s personality. Predictions and suggestions accorded by astrologer often turn out relevant to your life. Crucial determinant of your astrological fate happens to be your astrology sign. Your astrology sign is the sign accorded to the period of a year in which you were born. These astrological signs also give behavioral insights into your persona along with fortune telling. Most of the people have this wrong perception that astrology is all about…

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  • Origins of Astrology

    The Babylonians are generally acknowledged to have originated the practice and science of astrology. Their astrological charts enabled them to predict the recurrence of seasons and certain celestial events. So, in the beginning and for more than 2,000 years, astrology and astronomy were the same science. Babylonian astrology was introduced to the Greeks early in the 4th century BCE and, through the studies of Plato, Aristotle, and others, astrology came to be highly regarded as a science. It was soon embraced by the Romans (the Roman names for the zodiacal signs are still used today) and the Arabs and later spread throughout the entire world. While earliest astrology was used…

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  • Jan 21 – Jan 31 Birthdays & Starcodes

    Aquarius alone Males 2+ Females 1+/1- So… Rasputin 21/1/1869 Year of the Dragon  3+/1- Lord Byron 22/1/1788 Year of the Horse  4+/0- Strindberg 22/1/1849 Year of the Monkey  3+/1- Sam Cooke 22/1/1931 Year of the Horse  4+/0- Edouard Manet 23/1/1832 Year of the Cat  2+/2- Rutgar Hauer 23/1/1944 Year of the Goat  2+/2- Robert Burns 25/1/1759 Year of the Cat  2+/2- Somerset Maugham 25/1/1874 Year of the Dog  4+/0- Virginia Woolf 25/1/1882 Year of the Horse  2+/2- Douglas MacArthur 26/1/1880 Year of the Dragon  3+/1- Jerome Kern 27/1/1885 Year of the Monkey 3+/1- Wolfgang Mozart 27/1/1756 Year of the Pig  2+/2- Lewis Carroll  27/1/1832 Year of the Cat  2+/2- Arthur…

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  • A True Story – The pilot who flew into the future

    An incident occurred during a flight in 1935 which remains a mystery to this day.  Over the years many pilots have reported, as they are required to do, seeing unidentified flying objects. Pilots are not the most imaginative people or rather not the kind of people normally associated with flights of fancy so when they report something, you can believe something unusual happened.  Most of these cases refer to objects in the sky. This tale is strikingly not one of those. It involved a young RAF pilot named Victor Goddard who later rose to the rank of Air Marshall and was knighted also. As an indication of the comparatively little…

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  • David Cameron’s Brexit Promise Speech

    Here’s the man. Here’s the promise. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7qZhlrbcB8[/embedyt] https://youtu.be/z7qZhlrbcB8 David Cameron Born 9 October 1966 Libra/Horse Astromagnetic Type 4+ Same as Donald Trump

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  • Brexit & Theresa May

    Theresa May born 1 October 1956 is a Libra/Monkey which is astromagnetic type 3+/1-. Lovers of being on the stage, they also love being the center of attention. To top it people born in the year of the Monkey are tricksters (like monkeys) and have great memory powers. Hence, lying is no problem. “Brexit means Brexit; No deal is better than a bad deal; The deal on the table is the only deal. This way we get control of our borders our laws and our economy.” Not one single statement is true out the mouth of that woman. Is she mad? Certainly, she defies truth and logic. And whilst I…

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